2013年1月3日 星期四

Algae-Powered 海藻發電 綠能街燈 (Street Lamp)

法國生化學家Pierre Calleja花了數年時間,研發出海藻電能街燈(Algae-powered Street Lamp)。正如許多植物一樣,海藻是靠光合作用生長,即吸收陽光中的養料,釋放出氧氣,部分海藻種類還可以混合培植,即它們不但可透過光合作用生長,更 可攝取有機碳獲得能量。


設計師利用海藻的特性製作出一個圓柱形燈箱,裡面裝滿水和海藻。海藻在白天會從陽光和空氣中的二氧化碳裡吸取養分,釋放氧氣轉 化成能量儲存在電池中,便可在晚上為電燈供電照明。此外,海藻電能街燈也可在黑暗的地下車庫中使用,海藻吸收汽車釋放的二氧化碳廢氣後,可提供照明用途和檢測碳排放量,而在家居或其他場合,海藻也能靠吸收自然光製造能量照明。

Designer Mike Thompson has created an incredible living lamp that is powered by algae! Spotted over at Designboom, the Latro Lamp derives energy from an algae chamber that requires just sunlight, CO2, and water to operate. Stick the lamp outside, breathe into it, and voila, you've created your own bio battery-powered living lamp.

This algae-powered lamp transforms CO2 into light.
Designed by Mike Thompson, the Latro Lamp gets energy from an algae chamber and needs just sunlight, C02, and water to operate.
The lamp is made possible thanks to a recent discovery made by researchers at the universities of Yansei and Stanford. The researchers found that a tiny electrical current can be extracted from algae during photosynthesis. The Latro Lamp features a battery that stores energy generated by the algae throughout the day and a light sensor that controls the lamp's intensity, preventing the algae from becoming malnourished. Thompson believes this discovery could lead to an algae revolution: 「As advances in nanotechnology lead to increasingly energy efficient products, plant life such as algae will become attractive sources for tapping energy,」 he says.
For now, though, the Latro lamp remains an idealistic design project — after all, who realistically wants to care for a lamp like a household pet?

轉 http://orientaldaily.on.cc  & http://inhabitat.com